Friday, April 11, 2014

7 quick takes/five for friday

Linking up over hurrrr and huurrr. I can do that right...I hope..uh oh rule breaker over here...

[ONE] These cookies! Holy cookie of deliciousness. They.Are.Good! I was a a littttttleee apprehensive because they are also too easy, but they turned out so good I had to take them to Josh's work, because devouring. 

[TWO] Sunshine & outside. Two things that were not happening last week, that WILL be happening this week. Hopefully so much sunshine that our easter egg hunt will actually happen outside!

[THREE] I am super happy about above because see below. Below has been happening fartoomuch.

[FOUR] I wish I could share a picture about my sisters bridal shower, but it is a surprise for her [not when but all other deers]. I love planning parties and organizing, so while stressful it is also super fun. PLUS I have a pretty awesome group of gals working with me. It really is a bridal party dream team.
This is for her shower, she will see it before then, the junk is not for her shower it is just for life.

[FIVE] I still really love to cook. I remember BCL (before cooking Lily) would hear people say that and scoff at it. Because no one could love cooking. But now I love chopping and dicing and sautéing and browning...But mostly I love feeding people. Only I have few people to feed, so I need to work on finding more mouths.

[SIX] My sister got a new dog. And he is handsome. And wonderful. 

[SEVEN] Josh was given a chance to travel to California to take a training seminar at one of the componenet companies his shop sells. He was one of only two people from the state of Michigan to be invited. He was gone for four days, got to enjoy 60 degree weather while it snowed here, ate delicious food, and sat thru some techy training sessions that he loved. I am really proud of him for being invited to attend and that he received his certification. But I was more proud and happy that he returned, four days is a loooooonnnggg time in mama-only-in-charge time.


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