Saturday, August 24, 2013

nada today.

I have nothing remotely interesting today, so just a quick over use of bullet points [something im not relying on too much lately...]

  • Easton's nose is running like a faucet. I am going to chalk this up to a little recent chiropractic work he had and say it is nothing more than some release of toxins.
  • because there WILL NOT be any sickness in this house.
  • Hudson  has discovered his voice and has been yelling 'baaabaaabaabaabbaaaa' every second he gets, its adorable. At 3 am its unbearable  adorable too!
  • It seems like we just keep getting busier. No matter how much I try to clear some time, it gets filled. Its been impossible to even just hang out with my husband.
  • I cut Easton's hair & now he looks 7. :(
  • see, too old.---->
  • Hudson falls asleep while jumping and it cracks me upppppp. Mostly because he wakes up from his kitten nap and resumes hopping.
  • I am really REALLY looking forward to camping next week. I hope the weather is nice so we can enjoy a little family time, because ya know see above..
  • I have been trying, rather unsuccessfully, to write a blog post about being less judgmental as fellow mothers. About being there for each other and being supportive and encouraging no matter what the choices are. However, when ever I try I just start getting super mad. Like, beware if you see that post in the future, it might be angry..

thats it. We are having a tiny cook out and bonfire tonight, so I'm off to the store! 

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