
Friday, July 12, 2013

Somedays, I just want my life back.

Disclaimer: And that is a totally different thought than I regret having kids. Which I don't. I love my monsters dearly. The drive me insane and are the reason for a patch of gray hair, stretch marks and constant anxiety, but I would not have it any other way. 

I want to not worry constantly, to the point of sickness, about everything. Am I being judged? How will I explain Hudson's medical issues? Am I feeding them the wrong things? Did I feed them? Where is Easton? what did i just step in? Why is this so hard? Am I the only one?????

I want to sleep in later than 4 am and not sleep curled around a Kickasaurus Rex.

I want to not sleep in what I am hoping is vomit (lesser evil). Forget that. If I am going to sleep in vomit, I want it to be my own & I want the cause to  be tequila and poor decisions.

I want to have an entire day, where the word NO, is mentioned sparingly...

And food is just eaten, not argued over.
And i dont have to share if I want all that cookie.
or pizza
or toast...
Or whatever. No sharing.

I want a blog post to not take 4 hours to write.

I want to go out, eat dinner when it is warm, spend an entire day with just my husband.

But just for a day, because anything longer and I would miss my fools.

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