
Monday, July 8, 2013


What's in a diagnosis? Fear and anxiety? Hope? Guilt? Time and effort?

All of that and more.

At Hudson's two month appointment he showed signs of torticollis, a condition that causes the muscles in the neck to pull to one side often causing stiff or tight muscles to develop. We were told to work with him, turning his head to the left and giving him lots of tummy time. We worked with him for the next couple months and had him reevaluated at his four month appointment. At his follow up, his torticollis wasn't any better and had now effected the shape of his head. Because his skull sutures are getting close to fusing we were sent to a neuromuscular rehabilitation specialist, who we saw today.


There was good news and then there Not bad per se, but not what we had hoped for.

The good news is that developmentally he is where he should be and he has no delays or serious issues.

The other news is that we will be embarking on a path full of physical therapy and a molding helmet, at the least. Hopefully we caught this all in time and that a few months in a helmet will correct all his issues and he won't need invasive and serious surgery. The combination of the helmet and physical therapy should correct the pulling of his neck which is mis-shaping his head (it's all cyclical).

It's not the worst prognosis, by far. It could have been a lot worse, but being his mama, the last thing i want to do is see him suffer or need and not be able to help. The amount of guilt I feel is ridiculous (I know) but I can't help but feel like maybe I could have done something to change this. Something to help him. I just keep looking at his sweet smile and wishing I had followed my gut and caught it a month ago.

I know that there are a lot worse things for your child to deal with and that there are parents out there who would love that it was just a tight neck and lumpy head. But my baby, my sweetest, giggle filled, squishy baby is hurting and I am can't do, yet. I know he will be fine and this will be a blip in his great life. I know we are blessed to have not only 2 children but the ability to care for them and correct this problem.

So that is where I will focus, on healing and moving forward. Each day that he turns his head further, we will clap and cheer. We will decorate his helmet and call it his crown. He will be better and we will see him through this with loads of love!

ps. Hudson 4 month appointment was less than 2 weeks ago, and since that time he has grown a half inch and gained a pound. Scale discrepancy, probably, but he also eats all theeee tiimmmee. :)

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