
Friday, January 10, 2014

Adventures in snow.

Do you know how often I look at my kids and think what did I do to deserve this?!?! What could I have possibly done that warrants screaming fits over not wanting to make snow cream?? What, child please clue me in because this mama has nada. No clues, just cold. This was Tuesday..
Polar Vortex? More like regular January in Michigan.

 I mean really...What did i doooooo? Just kidding I know what I've done, it involves being a pushover, too many cookies and a pair of brown eyed boys I can't say no to..

There was a polar vortex, negative double digit temperatures and the cabin fever is RAMPANT 'roun dees parts. I get that part. But, hey super sensitive super crabby almost three year old, I'm grasping at straws and pulling out ever pintrested idea I have to keep us allllll sane in the membrane. So get with it, check the facebook and blog feeds and realize that everyone is making le creme lately. So up on the bandwagon kiddo.

Hunting and gathering snow, also see: unimpressed
That'll do.
That is the snow covering my boots, it is almost to my knee and I'm not touching grass.
Ingredients assemble!
Oh what is that child, you don't want to make a treat???
Wait. WAIT,  "it's ice-ceem mom? Oh I like that!"
Gave Hudson a little snow to play with, he decided to eat it and then cried because it was cold.

Snow-cream was a hit, Easton was pretty excited that we made ice cream out of snow. He wasn't excited at first, but then he caught on that we were using sugar (read:his main food group) he was happy as a clam! After a successful gourmet experience, Easton and I headed outside to build a snowball [snowman] only to discover that it wasn't snowball [snowman] snow. Frigid polar vortex + no lake effect lately = no snowball [snowman]. We still had fun outside while Hudson napped:

"I made a Snow Angie!" Yes you did! 
Bundled up, up, up!
Easton then decided he wanted me to build a spooky forest. A spooky forest huh? Yes with a spooky owl! Out of snow? Yes, with trees and its spooky! Uhhh, ok.. How about a half-assed snowfort? Eh? Pretty cool right?!?!? what is this mom? A snow fort, go in it! Its ok, its not very spooky. and there isnt any trees... 
There was sand left over in the bucket from this summer. 
Maybe this can be improved upon, but for now this is the high life. 
Super unimpressed
"Ok can we go inside now for cocoa?"

Anyways, in Huddy news. His head has rounded out his neck is not longer kinked and we don't have to see doctors every week anymore! YAY! Grow Huddy Grow!
This better not be snow again mama...
 Also, he thinks he is super big and tries to feed himself these days. So I hold the bowl of food, grab his hand that is holding the utensil, and put food on it. Then LET GO! because if I hold on too long he screams!

Getting WAY TOO BIG!
I can not believe that we have two big birthdays coming up next month. Easton turns 3 on the third [golden birthday, whatwhat?!!] and Hudson turns 1 on the 18th! We are currently working on party plans and HOPEFULLY I will take a picture or two of the party! 

So until next time, heres the boys being cute playing together....

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