
Monday, November 25, 2013

Hard knock Life?

Instead of kisses, we get kicked.. So fitting for any parent working on a diaper change.

I have my fair share of days where my poor, darling husband receives text upon text upon text upon the dreaded phone call about how awful the boys have been. And thats omitting quite a few texts...

Most days I function right on the line of sanity, tip-toeing through each screech and whine directed at me, cuddling and wiping tears over the wrong type of crackers, removing the now mobile baby from yet another possibly dangerous situation [please don't chew on the wires Hudson, I am pretty sure thats going to end poorly...] I let the dogs in and out 197 times each, I corral the cat from going out because he forgets he is an indoor cat. I explain to Easton that there are only so many ways to combine cheese and bread/tortilla/pizza dough/noodles that I am capable of. I pull Huddy out from under a table or the dog or as of today out of the bathroom (you gross baby). I clean and clean and clean, only to have the house look worse than it did before I started. I pray for a simultaneous nap day which is as illusive as a leprechaun on a unicorn these days. I break up fights because my youngest is an instigator at only 9 months. I do laundry, usually the same load four or five times, and bathe boys and dress boys and snuggle boys and dance with boys.

And is it so bad....?

Yes and no.

Yes:  There are so many days that I would like to just sleep in and get up, shower, grab my purse and hop in the car; just spend the day by myself doing what I want, going where I want, not having to figure out nap times/what to feed kids. There are times when I just give up and turn on some brain rot tv and don't fold the clothes and ignore the kitchen floor that needs mopped.There are days when no one will nap. No one will listen. And we have to go to the doctor and the grocery store and no we arent buying a cart full of chocolate (idk why not, we could use it) Somedays I can't handle breakfast, or lunch, or anything that comes after lunch. There are days I can't remember when I washed my hair last, I don't know where the favorite toy is and I can't calm down the almost three year old whose heart is broken because papa took the car to work and not the truck and somehow that not only matters but makes or breaks the day...? There are days when I text and text and call because I am overwhelmed. And if we're being totally honest because I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING. 

Like none whatsoever..

So yes, sometimes it is that bad.

But other days it isn't. Other days, both boys nap. They both just eat what I give them. They play quietly on the floor and not that scary quiet where you know they've manager to empty and entire box of rice on the floor and ground crayons into the carpet that needs deep cleaning. Other days I take a shower by myself and maybe even shave!?! Other days I know whats for dinner before someone gets home and asks. Other days I am surrounded by a wish that I has that I didn't know would come true, I have a family of my own that I take care of and love more than anything. Other days, they laugh more than cry, they hug more than hit, they are happier than they are sad. I am lucky that I have these days with them, I am lucky we have these two wonderful boys. Lucky they have health, laughter and each other. I am lucky I have a husband who takes care of us, lucky that he has a job, lucky we can make it work like this. I am so thankful for those days and these moments and this luck I have stumbled on.

So no, sometimes it isn't that bad.

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