
Friday, October 18, 2013

Seven Quicks for an Anniversary.

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Yesterday was our four year anniversary, so in honor of that, this 7QT is dedicated to my main man, Josh :)

Thank you for being the yin to my yang. The calm seas to my You are just what I need in my life to keep me even keeled and from constantly living in a world of crazy anxiety and freak outs. ps sorry for the millions of texts you get everyday about how I can't handle these minions..

Thank you for always standing by me. Even Especially when my crazy is showing..

Thank you for always making me laugh. Even Especially when I don't want to.

Thank you for always supporting me, even especially when I don't think I need it.

For always being there, for being present, for being the best other half I could ever ask for.

you are a better father and husband than you give yourself credit for. You are an amazing man, who makes everyone's life better by just being in it. You are the foundation and strength on which I build my dreams. You are the encouragement to try harder and the perseverance to never give up. 

Thank you for giving me the gifts you've given me, just by being by my side when we sleep and when we wake. You are the best decision I have ever made and I promise to make the same one every day: to love you more, completely and unwavering. Even especially when its hard..


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