
Tuesday, October 29, 2013


We busted out our most creative carving abilities and hacked away at our pumpkins Sunday.

ready to go
Plastic drop cloth rolls=easy clean up. Just cut off enough to cover the table, many uses for a couple dollars..
 Hudson's Pumpkin
 Per request of Easton
 Not easy to tell what it is yet...
 All together!

Yum yum!!

So, that happened. And also we've been fighting the nastiest cold to hit us in a long time. The whole fam-damily has it (which of course means that sometime in the next few days the man-cold will probably rear its ugly, lazy, whiney head.. sorry babe, you SUCK at being sick, I love you but you suck at it.....) The worst is watching Hudson fight it.. He has a flair for drama (from his mama) and DOES NOT take lightly to being unconfortable..
Drama flair...also, top teeth nubbins. 
Yesterday was just awful, we took somewhere around two thousand steam shower/baths to try to break up the mucus/snot/devilcold and get it movin-on-out. During one of which, my phone took a bit of a dip into the water, but some how LIVES ON! It's like Steve Jobs intervened and was my phones guardian angel for a hot minute. So ridiculously thankful because replacing my phone is NOT in our budget right now. Anyways back to Huddy, he wanted nothing to do with anything, no snuggles, no hopping, no music, no brother, no sleeping, no waking, no bottles, no food, no you get the point. Finally, we got him to sleep letting him actually just whine himself down. He slept for 83% of the day, then thru the night, then slept in. AND took a pacifier, which I have neva in his short life witnessed happen before.. He woke up ok, bounced a little this morning and is now succombing to his runny nose and whining thru the song Easton is preforming (I think it might be some lady gaga, but I can't tell...). So, off to bed Huddy goes!

Easton, the worlds most destructive two year old, has managed to pour gallons of water out of the tub every time he takes a bath, which I am sure means that our bathroom floor will need replacing asap.. He also emptied a nearly full lotion on to our bed, nail polish all over my mom's house, baking soda onto the counter and floor, and my shampoo into said bath. it is pretty amazing how much mischief he can get into while I am changing a diaper...Or risking my house for the sake of a shower.

BUT on a super yummy positive note, we threw together some delicious chocolate chip cookies last night at the perfect hour of 930 and they turned out great! I used Grace's recipe and modified it just a touch including 1/2c more flour, 1/4c more white sugar and a 1/4c more butter, because I was reading the wrong recipe before I remembered hers! But they are perfect!

I did not stack them, so pintrest fail when it comes to taking a picture...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

gold diggin'

A few gemmy, gem-gems from lately, from you-know-who...

Showing off his 'costumes'

  • "I like papas must-beard" his beard and mustache or must-beard as its known in 2-year old speak.
  • "No way hosey"
  • "Dozie, I wanna sit with you and be quiet" probably after being told his options..
  • "Huddy is saying OH MAMA! He doesn't want anyone else" great, thanks for the translation Easton. I was hoping he was just giving us an update from his crib...
  • "Dammit Dozie get outta my way!" not claiming any responsibility for that one...
  • "What's goin on with all this rain weather!?!?" Even two year old know its not supposed to snow in October.
  • & my favorite in reference to motorcycles on TV "oh I gonna get one of those from Santa huh mama, ask Santa for one for me please" Sure thing buddy, get ready for some dis-ahh-poinnt-muunntt
He's pretty funny, albeit too smart at times... He can be a real handful, but for the most part we just laugh..

But seriously, what's goin' on with all this rain weather?!?!? It turned to snow, great...& there's still toys in the yard...

Monday, October 21, 2013


Lately we have been enjoying our fall. Getting in all the walks and outside time we can before the snow falls!
Bike rides at the old state hospital

perfect day

in between sun-showers

just like papa, he loves the downhill sessions

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I love where we live. Yes its been in the 40s during the day here and there is a wintery mix in the forecast for the next few days, but it is so pretty here. We get a lot of snow and it gets really cold, but fall here, is the best time of the year.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Seven Quicks for an Anniversary.

linkity link-linked here

Yesterday was our four year anniversary, so in honor of that, this 7QT is dedicated to my main man, Josh :)

Thank you for being the yin to my yang. The calm seas to my You are just what I need in my life to keep me even keeled and from constantly living in a world of crazy anxiety and freak outs. ps sorry for the millions of texts you get everyday about how I can't handle these minions..

Thank you for always standing by me. Even Especially when my crazy is showing..

Thank you for always making me laugh. Even Especially when I don't want to.

Thank you for always supporting me, even especially when I don't think I need it.

For always being there, for being present, for being the best other half I could ever ask for.

you are a better father and husband than you give yourself credit for. You are an amazing man, who makes everyone's life better by just being in it. You are the foundation and strength on which I build my dreams. You are the encouragement to try harder and the perseverance to never give up. 

Thank you for giving me the gifts you've given me, just by being by my side when we sleep and when we wake. You are the best decision I have ever made and I promise to make the same one every day: to love you more, completely and unwavering. Even especially when its hard..


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Pickin'


I'll take three..


Child of the corn

Mister Bright Eyes

That'll do pig, that'll do.

Senior picture

One of our pumpkins was huddy shaped


Cutie bug

What do you mean I can't take them ALL home!


The Goat King

We ventured out to our favorite pumpkin patch just south of town. Even though the sky was gray and the wind blew a bit, we still had a great time. Easton rode the barrel train, even though he said it wasn't fun. The goats are ALWAYS going to be my favorite! there is nothing better than spending sunday doing something fun, watching football and making a delicious meal. Meatloaf in the oven, potatoes ready to go and lounging on the couch with a drink! Its a good weekend for sure!