
Friday, July 26, 2013


Ohhhhh I am SO not happy today!

Insurance crap is such BS.!



We have been waiting for over two weeks now for Hudson's helmet approval. Then I get a call this morning telling me
1. it was denied.
2.why haven't I gotten his 2nd Xray to help get it approve (UM WHAT?) 
3. I need to go TODAY to get it, ASAP, they are faxing the order to the hospital...Like leave now so it gets processed by the end of the day...ASAP LADY! 

1. I never heard it was denied, that would have been nice to know. Especially since I had spoke to both offices on the phone once a week since then. 2.What 2nd x-ray? I haven't heard anything about this???? 3. Today? Like now. While I have no one to take the cray cray 2 year old??

So I dressed everyone and headed to town. Easton went to Josh's work, thankfully he was able to hang out and wrench bikes with papa for an hour or so. Then Huddy and I went to the hospital.

We got there, checked in and wouldn't you know nothing has been faxed over. WTEFFFF? ASAP RIGHT? So they call and get the order faxed over....Half way through the check in, I realize that this is the wrong order. It's the order from two weeks ago, that we have already had done...


So, one call from the registration lady, one call from me, one more call from registration and we FINALLY get it taken care of. Then we waddle to the other side of the hospital for less radiation and wrestle a 20 pound baby with the strength of a grown ass man and click!click!click! done. go home...

Now, I know its not really any ones fault, I'm just whiny and annoyed that I was super slightly inconvenienced. 

Now back to waiting...

chunky munk. 

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