
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Oh boys..

Yesterday was a day here. Like a legit, need booze, calling in back up, s.o.s. day.

Hudson is boycotting any amount of sleep that is longer than three consecutive hours. For going on four days now, he wakes every few hours. Sometimes he needs something, other times he would just like to showcase his kicks and giggles.
Not an illusion, he is 4 foot long.

And juuuussstt when i settle in for my long winters nap-bam-it's 7am. Alarms going off for josh, huddys restless (which, btw I just tried to spell wrestless..) and within the next hour Easton's on the prowl. So up and at 'em.

Today was no exception to the rule. Minutes after dragging myself from my snuggly bed, Hudson beckoned to be rescued from his prison. Where he was being held in his least favorite position-on his tummy. Rescued, clean diapered and deposited into his jumparoo. I grabbed some caffeine and surveyed what should get done today: living room, dishes from last night, and mountains of laundry from last night..ok..last week? Also in store, perhaps, should the stars align a shower for the mother of the monsters. But first some caffeine..

But align they did not.

Easton roared from his room a mere seconds later demanding his morning fixins, yogurt or toast and Mickey Mouse clubhouse on the "hi-pad". Not a minute in I heard the iPad hit the floor and the sound from the jumparoo get far more violent than a chunky 5.5 month old can make. Easton was "jus helping Huddy bounce." Because apparently "he wants to do big bounce!"
The iPad was also covered in bad on that one.

After a breakfast-o-champs, we started up laundry. With three large loads that needed washing and a significant amount (say 5-8) loads needing folding I set out for a successful laundry sesh.

For every pair of pants folded, a tower of shirts on the floor. My neat pile of socks, unpaired and spread lonely across the bedroom. The newborn-3 month clothes washed and folded and ready to be stored, now ready to be washed again, once I reclaim them all Easton was whipping them at the cat under the bed, we may never see some of those clothes again. Oh and when he wasn't unfolding the folded he was climbing into Hudson's peaceful crib to jump over Hudson. Not my idea obvi.

Oh hey, you know what always calms Craz-E down? A bath, lets do that while defenseless Huddy naps.

Bad idea rookie.

At one point there were three towels in the tub with him. He was "doin launrees" and exclaiming "dis clean" and chucking whatever item was deemed clean out the door sopping wet..

Two hours and 45 gripping conversations about whether or not "dis my tu-tip" or "dis mamas tu-tip?" I shot off a fiery GETHOMEASAP!!! Text and paced the garage for a hot second.
All of that fun, along with the everyday occurrences of dog hitting, aiding Hudson in rolling over, opening and escaping out the back door, coloring on the table and relocating all of his toys from his bedroom to every other room, it was fairly surprising we made it to the witching hour of 5 o'clock, josh is done at 6 and by the time he wraps things up its 630 home by 7 if we are lucky. So if I'm to be trusted with math (I'm not) that's 2 more hours before back up arrives.

No no no, not today.
So I rounded up the troops and prayed wind in our sails and made a sanity saving trip into town to the park. Where the main monster was unleashed upon a people less park and had the swings all to himself. We walked the paved trail and dipped toes and bum into the bay. Then Nammie (grandma) lovingly offered a sleepover complete with movies and popcorn on the TV bed (sleeper sofa). It wasn't Opposite Day, so I didn't say no.

truck lessons

Captian smiles.
So, while I would like a few of those hours back, less gray hairs, and check marks on my to-do list, it really wasn't that bad of a day.

And for good measure:
Today is a good hair day and my nails are painted!

Fun Papa.

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