
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Late to the party...

These are from saturday...I barely know what day it is today. Thanks Easton for waking up 4 times last are 2 you should know better! And Hudson, really you tagged in when he finally went to sleep, 3.5 months old- you should have your act together!

Saturday started out pretty crappy. Cold, cloudy and cranky kids galore.... So off we went, to the safety fest (or whatev they've dubbed it.)


super serious about firefighting

aunt kiki is going to kill me for this one..

super serious again. This time about the cookie I was holding for him.

This was a really great time for Easton. He is really into anything that goes/wheels/etc. and all the firemen were so sweet! I was glad we heard about it and went when we did, right as we were leaving the helicopter took off the go assist on an accident. All day easton would say "helichopter, to the rescue!" 

The best part for me was he spent most of the day listening to me! He didn't run from one engine or ambulance to the next. He waited patiently for each station and listened when I asked him to hold my hand/not run away/wait his turn. He is usually a really good boy, but lately he has started running full speed away from me. And of course its only when its just us. And I am always wearing Hudson. Chasing your crazy fast seriously why?!?!how!?? are you SO FAST!?!?! two year old whilst wearing your 3.5 month old who is quite a chunk! is not the type of heavy lifting/cardio/death I signed up for, son.

Over all it was a great day, we did some shopping afterwards, saw his favorite aunt kiki and met papa for lunch. And much to my surprise, both boys were well behaved and happy the whole day! 

Heres to hoping a trip to see the firetrucks still solves all the problems when they are teens....

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