
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Running behind.

Definitely the current theme of my life. I feel like I am constantly two, three...OK..ten steps behind. I can't tell you what is going on outside my four little walls. Current events? Pshh, I'll get caught up eventually. Or not. Normally, I would be in a huff not know what is going on out there. But things have changed. A lot is happening in here and it's WAY cooler. Thursday was really average, not much happened. We hung out at mom & dads in the evening. It is really funny to watch E try to figure out who is talking and where all the noise is coming from. He stretches his little neck out and squishes his forehead up trying to see. It is crazy cute. He is perfectly content snuggling with whoever wants to hold him, until he messes his diaper. Then it gets KrAzY, he refuses to be left in a diaper with so much as a piddle, for five seconds. So dramatic! Thankfully, we have all gotten really fast at the unsnapping, lifting, wiping, re-diapering dance.

Friday was much more exciting. Katie met me in town around noon and we had lunch with mom. After lunch we went shopping! Yay shopping! E was great! He just sat there in his giant car seat looking around, trying to figure out where we were. It was so great to get out of the house, walk around and feel like I was getting back into the swing of normalcy. E got some really cute clothes to grow into (which he really didn't need, but OHWELL! These were the first outfits I bought, so not bad) Even Josh got some new wearables. I, however, did not. I have found myself looking at clothes differently. I don't know if it's age or mommy-hood, but I catch myself thinking clothes through. As in, I could wear that to this and that, and it goes with this, and this...etc. I've always loved quality, but before I bought whatever I liked that was quick and easy and worked. So, I am entering a new stage of dressing..? I've always loved fashion and clothes...and shoes...But now I finally feel confident enough to embrace it for myself. No frumpy! I've enjoyed a few weeks of slouchy, dirty hair sans-make up days, but now I am excited when I get up to get dressed, put on make up and do my hair (though a hair cut is needed ASAP). So, even though this blog is mainly about E and his happenings, I'm taking a bit of it, to share inspiration for design, crafting and fashion. Ha, take that little man!
                                                       say what? This is my blog, get your own! 

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