
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lots of good.

Today was a really nice day, not just because it was sunny and beautiful out but we had a successful day being out and about. Which was good! E had his 2 week check up today at nine. He gained a pound and now weighs in at 8 pounds 12 ounces. Everything is growing and looking good! After his appointment, we stopped into my work for a quick visit. It is so nice to stop by and see everyone, I definitely miss it there. Then we went out to lunch with mom and dad. E did great for his first time out to eat. He hung out in his car seat and managed to stay asleep for nearly the whole meal. GOOD! It wasn't until we were ready to leave that he decided he was too. We took mom back to work and E got to meet her co-workers. We had a quick eat and change before finally heading home around two p.m. Auntie Katie showed up later with yummy stuffed shells and hung out with E while I ran in to town to pick up Josh. It was the first time neither Josh or I were with him. He did great! And by great I mean he slept the whole time. He didn't even know we weren't there. It was nice to have a bit of time to myself today, even if it was just a 15 minute drive into town. It still felt good.

Being at home, for the most part without another adult, really has me itching with creativity. I read a lot of blogs, from DIY to other mommy blogs and I am always amazed by the number of really creative people out there. Not just sorta creative either, like full blown could support a family with their creativity. It really inspires me to do something. Anything and do it well. I meant to run to Michaels craft store today to pick up some supplies, but I will have to do that later this week. I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head, I can't wait to get them out and share them. Somedays I feel like my life is best expressed in charcoal and ink, other days it's words, photos, collages. I had so much fun creating things for his nursery, I look forward to creating more things for to him to enjoy and as he gets older watching him create pictures and stories.

But for now, our day is winding down. This is my favorite part of the day, crawling into bed and hanging out while E is awake in between us. We usually make it a couple hours before he needs a change and eats, then its the tricky task of putting him in his bassinet. Then lights out. Hopefully tonight is equal to today; really good in every little bit.

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