
Sunday, February 13, 2011


So here is my first post. I wasn't going to make a blog, especially not a "baby-mommy-blog" because I was  intimidated by the idea and sure no one wants to read about me/my babe. But after thinking about it, I realized its a great place to share all the things he does without overloading my facebook. And this way my family downstate can follow along with us since we don't see them all that often! So hopefully I'll remember to actually update this with all our adventures and escapades! But first Little E's birth story:

February 2nd. I woke up feeling sorta under the weather, not sick but sore/crampy and not really feeling that great. It had snowed a TON the night before and Josh was getting things around to go snow-kiteboarding after our appointment. We were now on a weekly schedule with our midwife, Peg. After Josh cleaned up the driveway we headed into town, I had to work after our appointment and Josh was headed up to Lake Leelanau for a fun day off. Our appointment went by as usual, nothing new or to be concerned about, all that was left was a quick check to see where the baby was or if anything had changed from the weeks before. Well...we were in labor. Not that I believed it. But we were. I did not know what to do, I couldn't be in labor. Nothing felt different. Labor?!? No, I don't think so..but maybe..So I went to work, because that is what I do to think. I work and luckily my work helps ease my mind. I figured I would work for two hours, then see if I actually was in labor. Peg told Josh not to go out to the lake just in case, and I bumbled about work giggling and being in shock. I'm pretty sure I didn't complete one task, all I could think was labor? no..maybe...definitely not, but I could be. After work we went to the mall, because if we were in labor, we needed a few things. The more we walked around (poor Josh-the whole time he was in snow pants!) the more it was obvious- LABOR was here! We headed back to Peg's for a quick check then went home to sleep. 

February 3rd. At almost exactly midnight, I woke up needing to visit the bathroom, which was a pretty regular trip lately. As I stood up, I felt my water break. Not a huge gush or pop or anything like I had figured it would be, just a gentle bit of water. By the time I came back to bed, I couldn't get myself back in bed. I looked over at Josh and realized I had to wake him up, we were having a baby. Josh got up and helped me labor while tracking the contractions on his phone. We called Peg and continued to labor for a few more minutes. All of a sudden, Josh says 'we need to get going after this next contraction'. I remember looking at him thinking he was crazy. We had only labored at home for less than or just about an hour, we didn't need to head in yet. So here is where is gets crazy...I looked at the contraction tracker: seven minutes apart/5 minutes apart/3 minutes apart...HOLY CRAP, we had to go. We loaded up the car and took off, Josh calling our parents on the way (note: it was one in the morning, but both answered). We arrived at the hospital and they wheeled me into triage, taking their time to put monitors on, ask questions and try to get me in a gown (NOT gonna happen, sorry.) Finally the nurse decides to check me. " are at ten, you are fully dilated" she says before rushing out of the room. Meanwhile, Josh is parking the car and grabbing our things, and I'm now in a room by myself, wondering WHY I decided a drug free birth was a good idea.. The nurses come back in and wheel me into a birthing room at what felt like THE SLOWEST SPEED POSSIBLE over THE BIGGEST 'little bumps' in the whole hospital. Little bumps, NO they weren't, by the way. We got into our room by 1:50 and with-in 20-30 minutes, I had to push. I was not prepared for the overwhelming need to push now! And Peg wasn't here yet! I was panicking..what was i supposed to do?! So I just pushed. And pushed and pushed. And Peg showed up and I pushed more, on the bed on my side, in the bathroom, on my back, I pushed! Until quarter to 5, when I was done, I gave up. I had no energy left and I couldn't do anything else to help myself. I looked up at Josh, who had held my hands and legs for hours, I couldn't do it anymore. So I snapped at the nice nurse (so sorry), we had to get the baby out. NOW. Nothing was happening and I was DONE. Get Peg, its done, baby is not coming out. Nice nurse left, and brought in Tough nurse. Tough nurse informed me we were going to labor for another 20 minutes. No, we aren't, I'm not doing it. Well....yes I was. She amped me back up and forced me to PUSH! The team started prepping for delivery, when all of a sudden a knock came on the door..Pegs other patient was ready to deliver!! OH NO! I was ready to deliver, what do you mean?!?! But thankfully they pushed their little one right out and peg was back to coach me through the last few contractions. Right as I was starting to get tired out again, Josh says "we can almost see ears!" It was our babys arrival! All of a sudden something changed, there is the head, and a shoulder...then bam! HE'S HERE! What? Who? ITS A BOY?!?!? ARE YOU SURE?!?! 

And he was here. All 7 pounds 12 ounces, 21.5 inches of him, our perfect little boy. 

edited 2.14.2011 to add part of the story back in. Somehow it was deleted by accident.

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