
Meet the Northerners

Wife, mama, lover of all things glittery (&camo, but that's a secret obsession...). Michigan born and still here, living in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Fashion obsessed but still living in nursing tanks and jeans. Dreamer, wisher and intuition truster. Love creating, drawing, crafting and watching my boys grow. Lost in a world of disney characters and string cheese. Constantly translating two-year old speak and baby whines. Just trying to enjoy life in our northern town.

Easton, Eastie aka the Bear & Eastie Bear

Likes: Chocolate, gummies, any type of sugary food. Jake and the neverland pirates, Doc Mcstuffins and that whole Disney line up. The ipad. Watching trucks in mud. going to the beach. Going to the park. Cheese and bread in any form [grilled cheese, quesadilla, cheese pizza. He's practically a vegetarian] Trucks, trailers, jeeps, vehicles of any sort. Dancing. Riding his bike.
Dislikes: Sharing a room with his brother. Mama being mean and saying no. Not getting his way. not being able to squish Huddy. Meat.
Hudson, Huddy aka Buggie & Huddle-bug

Likes: Bouncing in his jumparoo. Jumping. Wiggling. Papa. His Brother when he isn't too close. Eating, all the time. Bath time. Also bouncing.
Dislikes: Not bouncing. Not eating. Not cuddling. When Papa gets home and does ANYTHING else before picking him up. His brother when he is too close.

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