
Friday, September 27, 2013

Gold Digger.

Here are just a few gems from life lately:

  • Easton stretches and says "I've had a long day guys." If you call a load of tantrums and a meltdown complete with flailing a long day then we are on the same page...
  • Easton was watching Scooby Doo on TV this morning and a commercial came on "What's all this crap on the TV?" Idk kid, thats what most TV is these days. & mama would be a liar if she didn't love that crap.
  • Every time we see a commercial for a toy, he turns to me and says "Lets tell Santa about that one. I'd like that to be here at Christmas" Uh, ok...If I've learned one thing in my 28 years its dream small, son. Less disappointments..
  • He often says "I probably not gonna do dat" when asked to do anything, like nap or eat or pick up. ok sass pants
  • "Oh dat a bad decision mama" hey, don't judge me you can't wipe your butt mister!

In mama NEWS:
  • I texted not one, but TWO people about toilet bowl cleaner...i am really thrilled with it.
  • I am thisclose to actual meal planning. but i am beyond close to lazy, so ya know...
  • I need an actual planner. Like day planner, because we missed like 4 appointments last week.  
Totally unrelated, but heres some photo filler...

Snack date at the 'pickup' table

roundin' out that head!

he was so mad we didnt buy these, but please Targ, 8 dollas for that? No thx.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today's post is brought to you

by the letter T.

As in Tantrum Tuesdays...

please help, send vodka....

Monday, September 23, 2013

El Complaintomos

Life Has been filled with a whole lot of uughhhh.

Lemme know if you get it.

A wholelotta can't get out the door on time because of zero communication...
A wholelotta can't remember where I put my coffee (on the roof of my car...)
A wholelotta WHATTTTHHHHEEEFFFFF am i doing...
A wholelotta You've got your hands full huh? (with 2 kids? sure I guess...)
Blurry proof of 2-toof.
A wholelotta rushing, rushing.
Awholelotta teething!!!!
A wholelotta peed pants..
A wholelotta needing a nap before I go to bed because I.AM.THAT.TIRED..
A wholelotta really?!?!seriously?!?!?!
A wholelotta running around like a crazy person, because the two year old let the indoor cat outside, slipping on dog poop while chasing him around and finally catching him using a cat wrangling stick..

There are more days that I find myself wanting to give up than not. It gets so hard to do anything (vacuuming is easy right? No it really isn't with Hurricane Easton around. One room takes almost an hour and we don't live in any mansion either..)

I can't remember what it's like to have a quiet, clean house. Or shower without the door getting opened 30 times to be asked 'What doing mama? Oh you in da shower? Oh ok'

I know terrible twos is a phase and shit gets better..but MY WORD CHILD, do you have to be so DRAHHHMMMAAAHHTTIICCC [no idea where he gets it..]. Everything is a melt-to-the-diz-own.
Our first bloody nose.

Or NOOOOOs. Loads of 'NOs.' And 'Nusthins'

easton what are you doing?
Easton what do you want to eat?
Easton stop hitting your brother/running away from me/doing that thing you arent supposed to do!!
Oh,  this isn't where I am
supposed to ride my bike

oh really, because you are ALWAYS up to something.

I spent my entire 45 minute sgrocery trip [mind you, 45 minutes for 5 items!!!!], chasing him around the grocery store. he kept full on sprinting away from me & then I would put him into the cart and he would screaaaaaammmmm and try to jump out. If we didn't need something for lunch and dinner I would have just left...buuuuuut i couldn't. So gawk away people, crazy mama is here and she can't control her child..OH YES SOMEONE HAS SOME ADVICE, please DO stop me whilst jogging after the Usain Bolt of toddlers...

Three hours, eight loads of folded [using the term loosey-goosely], and one synchronized nap later & I am counting the MILLISECONDS until back up arrives.

You can bet he's getting a text that reads a little like an S.O.S.:
Please come quick,
The children want me dead!
Bring booze.

& chocolate...
or else...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Some Lately

Just a few things that have been filling my days...

Chatted lately:
Me to easton- Want to hop in the bath real quick with Huddy before bed?
Easton: Wif poop Huddy? *turns to Hudson* You stinker, you grwoossss.
-Easton has apparently taken notice of Hudson's bath tub pooping. It happens every time. He lasts about 5 minutes. We go through gallons of bleach...

Easton giving himself a bear hug, standing in the living room: Ok, now I go like dis, you move my head..look at look at see cars hands way up..and I DOCTOR YOU!! Good job little guy!
-Have I mentioned we go to weekly chiropractic visits. I don't recall our chiropractor yelling 'I doctor you!' but maybe I missed that part..

Me: Easton Stay out of that water, it is gross!
Easton: But my trucks haff-a-go in dat water!
-convincing. If they haff-a-go, they haff-a-go.

Easton, randomly: Dat a good idea mama!
if you say so

Easton said something mean, I dont remember what.
me: You shouldn't say stuff like that because it hurts my feelings.
Easton: You're feet?
me: My feeeelinngs.
Easton: Yous ceilings? Dat one? Right there *points to the hallway ceiling* Dat ceiling?
me: yes....
Sometimes, he does hurt my ceilings.

Easton has the worlds stinkiest blanket. He carries it EVERYWHERE and I am sooo embarrassed that someone is going to catch a whiff of his stank. I try to wash it once a week, but it usually never smells fresh. I have been convincing him he needs to help me wash his blanket and I ask him to put it in the wash. He even has, what he has dubbed, a back up blankie.
Which is equally as smelly...
I have no clue how it happens. Fresh from the dryer, up the stairs, STANK.

Hudson loves to ruin baths. [see above]

There has been just a little too much of this lately:

why is he crying? Nooooo idea..ever.
That broken tow from last weekend has become a real issue. I think there might be more too it. I have a hard time walking or standing on it for long periods of time and I can not wear shoes [luckily not an issue, because I live in bare feet and flip flops in the summer..]. I might have aggravated it during a saturday night living room dance party, but I doubt that...

Hudson had his 6 month appointment and was 20 pounds and 27 inches long. Easton didn't weigh 20 pounds until almost a year!! He was about the same length but at 6 months Easton only weighed 16 pounds!! He was such a peanut compared to hoss Huddy!
I eat everything.

 Hudson also received his molding helmet and has been working up to wearing it 23 hours a day, so far he makes it about 8-12 hours and is doing pretty good.
Mmm, rice and beans from Taco House!

Just a few things, for memories.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Seven Quicks.

Linking up with Jen & seven quick takes because it looks like fun, fun. And I don't have the energy for much else today.

1*I may or may not have a super long list of pet peeves. Most of them are kind of simple, ones that I share with many others. But some of them are fairly unique to me and I get soooo annoyed. but i am working on it, not quite a lost hope yet...

2* Probably the biggest one: Not making (it thru traffic) lights. If the light is yellow, I get anxious and speed up. I HATE HATE HATE not making the light. I wish it didn't because I know its dangerous blah blah blah, but hey I live on the edge over here..

3* I also really strongly dislike sitting in cars. Cue anxiety and claustrophobia. After shopping I immediately start the car and drive, even when I am unsure of my next destination. I can't stand just sitting there like a lump not moving and wondering why am i here....

4* Opening paper towel rolls. That feeling of separating the one piece thats attached to the rest of the roll with glue is one of the worst feelings out there for me. Maybe I don't want to tear it away from its family, maybe I am green and don't want to fill landfills with waste...Maybe I am just a weirdo. 
Can't. Stand. It.

5* Opening glued cardboard. Kind of like the last one but more intense. It just bothers me, I'm not sure its a pet peeve but it really annoys me when I have to do it. So peeve, I dub it.

6*I really realllllllllyyyy dislike when someone calls me or texts me and I immediately return said call or text and they don't answer Josh. You texted me at 3:04, I responded at 3:04 too and then nada. nothing. zilch. This is only an issue when the texts are more of a chat and not just a hey grab milk. or these kids are b-a-n-a-n-a-s, its your fault. or idk whats on the ceiling but its your fault. or I have lost it completely, its your fault.
7*Being late. I function based on the clock even with two kids I try to be very diligent about being on time. The Husband functions on something called Josh time I have no clue what the conversion is, but I am sure its something like: 2 kids(Lily regular time)+[(josh^2]/actual arrival time)-4hours]=LATE

Whew, made it! 
and for good measure:
Little Brother cutie pie

Big Brother handsome guy

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Theme Thursday: Recess

Linking up with Cari for the first time.

Recess is pretty much alllll of Eastons day. He is so full of energy that with out a couple hours of running around, he would never go to bed! He is always wound up! Luckily, Josh is off on Thursdays so we were able to hit up the park after appointments...

Ready, go!

My two biggest boys, chasing.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day camping

We spend a lot of times in the woods around these parts. We live less than a mile from a beautiful hiking trail and happen to be close to miles of dunes and nature trails in our area. I really love that we can pack up and drive for 10 minutes or three hours and spend a weekend camping. This weekend we gave our backyard campground a try. This campground really was in our neighborhood, it was only about 5 minute drive away. But, it was great. It was a rustic campground so I am glad we were able to use the camper!

listening for bears probably

thankful for fire

Big T came camping for the day

The happiest camper. He LOVES it!

Little tequila and mix make for a fun night!

A broken toe does not. [side note: this was done while completely sober, so excuse besides klutziness]

Our done with camping, need food to warm our bones dinner.

We spent our weekend around the fire with family, eating delicious food, letting our phones die, and enjoying the families of loons all around! We went fishing and paddle boarding, ate a few too many s'mores and enjoyed a margarita (or three...). I managed to bust my pinky toe on the banquet in the camper and once I cleaned the dirt off my feet, realized that it was definitely not just a sprain- no matter how many times josh someone suggested it was. I also ventured into some questionable water to help put the boat on the trailer, while wearing Hudson! Even with a minor injury, we really had a great time and are already thinking of our next adventure!