
Saturday, August 24, 2013

nada today.

I have nothing remotely interesting today, so just a quick over use of bullet points [something im not relying on too much lately...]

  • Easton's nose is running like a faucet. I am going to chalk this up to a little recent chiropractic work he had and say it is nothing more than some release of toxins.
  • because there WILL NOT be any sickness in this house.
  • Hudson  has discovered his voice and has been yelling 'baaabaaabaabaabbaaaa' every second he gets, its adorable. At 3 am its unbearable  adorable too!
  • It seems like we just keep getting busier. No matter how much I try to clear some time, it gets filled. Its been impossible to even just hang out with my husband.
  • I cut Easton's hair & now he looks 7. :(
  • see, too old.---->
  • Hudson falls asleep while jumping and it cracks me upppppp. Mostly because he wakes up from his kitten nap and resumes hopping.
  • I am really REALLY looking forward to camping next week. I hope the weather is nice so we can enjoy a little family time, because ya know see above..
  • I have been trying, rather unsuccessfully, to write a blog post about being less judgmental as fellow mothers. About being there for each other and being supportive and encouraging no matter what the choices are. However, when ever I try I just start getting super mad. Like, beware if you see that post in the future, it might be angry..

thats it. We are having a tiny cook out and bonfire tonight, so I'm off to the store! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Somedays.. is impossible to get thru the day with out a shot of vodka, the ipad playing scooby doo and the promise of back up..

Because you get a call at 915 from the doctors office wondering if you were still coming in for your coveted casting appointment for the molding helmet that's 6 weeks overdue..Of course we are, we will be there at 2! Oh...we should have been there at 9? Well then I am on my way, please don't send the guy home... How did I mix up 9 and 2???? So you make a frantic call to your dad who was meeting you at two to wrangle your oldest wildling and hope he can step away from work (he could, thank god). Then you proceed to try to reason and explain to the 6 month old that this will only take a minute:
it took 5. which was 5 more than he was willing to let it.

Then you remember you have to go to the grocery store because you are out of everything.

so you drag the minions to the store, filling their heads with promises of a car wash if they are good! Take note, by promising the thrill of chore #2 they think they are getting a treat and no whining while we tick things off the list-o-tha-day. Two birds, one stone. that doesnt really cover that, but oh welL!

THEN..Sometimes, you lose your spot in line at Meijer after waiting 20 minutes because you aren't paying attention..So it takes you an additional 20 minutes to check out. Then you realize you forgot a good hunk of the stuff you came in for, but you aren't turing around now, so screw it...

And when the nice young man asks how its going today. you whisper "this..[longpause]..shit is..[long pause, rub your face] is shit..ugh, good..its just..uh good..."

this shit is shit...

what? What does that even mean?? Its just that bad that theres no other explaining. I dont know...It jsut was exactly what I was feeling at that moment, I am just glad I had the bit of thought left to whisper..

After you awkwardly leave you realize you forgot to go thru the car wash, which you've heard about ALL DAY..

So home, unpack groceries..Besides the grapes which were consumed on the ride home.

Quick recap of the afternoon:

  • Scooby doo on the Ipad
  • no naps
  • Easton requests the same two songs alternating back and forth for the next 2 hours. But he only listens to roughly 1 and a half minutes of them..
  • complaining about not hitting up the car wash.
  • 2 year old snags one tooo many sips of your coke.
  • he also remembers your promise of a smore for listening at the store...
  • he also remembers that he's spending the night at Nammies tonight, so you should pack.
  • then while you change the babe, he poops in the bath.
  • which is less than 6 inches from his toilet.
  • which he knows how to use.
  • and he can get out of the bath.
  • which you explain to him loudly super calmly.
  • he says its just a turd poop...
  • because that explains it..
this shit is shit...

thats what that means....

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Guess what??

Today is my birthday! Today I turn 28, which feels like practically 30. Hudson slept pretty good last night and Easton has only said the word "no" a handful of times so far (as opposed to his usual multitudes) so today has been good so far. We won't really be celebrating much today because its just too busy of a day, I go to work before josh gets home and won't see him until 8 or 9. But that's ok because we will celebrate this weekend and I am looking forward to that! If I was going to comprise a list of things I want for my birthday, it would be pretty hard because I have everything I want and need...

But I love lists, so here's a short one of things suitable to gift me today. Or whenever. Always...

  • Salted caramel fudge. Preferably 2 hunks, but while you're at it it's buy two get one so 3... Maybe I'm late to this salted caramel party but damn son, this is the goods. 
  • A cupcake from the good cupcake place here in town. Triple chocolate or chocolate malt or allthecupcakes. 
  • Booze. Any and all. 
  • A nap. Like solid can't hear anyone else in the house, no dogs waking up and needing out, no neighbor leaf blowing the cul de sac. Noneofthat. Sleepysleepsleep. 
  • Though because I'm not actually a nap person, forget that last one. I would trade my nap for a few hours of horrible television (I'm looking at you breaking Amish and couples therapy) and no one interrupting or saying I can't stand this shit or any other interaction with people besides my amish homies, flava flav, girls gone wild crazy guy and the smart ones from teen mom. 
  • A hot bath without someone trying to climb in it. Or waking up right as i turn the water off and screaming bloody murder so I panic and jump out but the mobile just stopped really I'm fine mom why you look so cray cray...
  • A nights sleep. Solid 8 hours. But really this wouldn't happen because I would lay there awake thinking about how I should be sleeping..
  • I would love love love a night out with my husband- kidfree. Dinner and a movie or whatever, just the two of us, no time frame to be home by, someone taking this kids overnight. Pleasepleaseplease. That would be lovely. 
But I will settle for what's currently on the schedule: half a Herseys cookies and cream bar (intended on s'mores but now in my bellehhh), the promise of a drive thru soda later and painting my toes while Easton's preoccupied and not demanding I do his nowwwww!! 

Overall, I think its going to be a good year. Yay 28! 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Tips for sleeping, from a Pro.

Hudson in now less than a week away from being 6 months old, so I thought I would share some great tips for sleeping when you have a 6 month old. Basically, a night in the life..

  1. Feed baby loads of formula before bed, this will guarantee a full belly and multiple wet diapers that need changed during the night. Some babies can manage to sleep with a wet diaper, but not your bundle of fuss. Change 87 diapers at night-CHECK!
  2. During this whole process, remember to check the clock, every chance you get. This will help you gage the amount of no-sleep you got as well as providing points of reference when husband says "long day, I am so tired!", because really, you're tired?!?! with all your sleep and not hearing the baby?!?!? 
  3. At 6 months old, still allow baby to sleep in the crib in parents bedroom. This will allow for easy access to the fusspot as well as no sleep training or sleep filled nights. These are things NOT to concern yourself with. Sleep is for the weak.
  4. Place a large (100 pound), old (working on 13), grumpy (Chesapeake bay retriever, great dogs also stubborn and grumpy at this age) dog (see:Titus) between your side of the bed and crib. Avoid stepping on dog and waking him also. If you do step on him, try to hit the ear its very sensitive and he will WELP! and wake up baby and other dog. Big dog will need to reposition himself on his bed now, flapping his ears and fluffing his bed. This will help baby sleep..
  5. When babe wakes at 2, a mere 3 hours after being laid down for the night, change baby [see#1] and lovingly shove place a pacifier in his mouth while cooing "this is ALLLLLL you want right???". Sneak back to bed.
  6. Do not cover yourself back up, a) the rustling of the blanket will alert baby you aren't sleeping. b)the cool air will keep you awake for the ensuing battle of wills. c)you are literally getting back up right now.
  7. Baby has rejected notion that a paci will do, try a blanket fluff and another paci. Maybe he wants the green one???? sneak back to bed..
  8. Baby will continue to fuss. Ignore baby, he's old enough to learn that life is tough, he needs to figure his sh*t out...
  9. Immediately regret trying to ignore baby, check diaper, plant 34 kisses and coo at him. 
  10. Is he hungry? Make a bottle and try to feed fuss baby. Through clenched teeth, whisper "go to sleep sweet boy, GOTOSLEEEEPPPP" 
  11. Baby would like to feed himself. Make this possible. sneak back to bed.
  12. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION: do not breathe, this will alert baby that you are not only awake, but alive to which he will interpret as "willing to serve, please beckon Master Hudson." Also, do not rustle blanket, step on dog, think about sleep, loathe husband who is somehow sleeping thru all of this..
  13. WHYAREYOUUPTITUS???DONOTFLAPYOUREARS. WELL,EFFFFFHEFLAPPEDHISEARS. whisper yell at dog to go back to bed!! UGHHH he woke the baby...whisper yell at husband "you cant get up!??!" to which he replies "huh??" lost cause, just get up lady.
  14. re fluff baby blanket, check bottle, pacifier, turn on mobile and sneak back to bed. Lay awake, uncovered, for the following 45 minutes just to be sure he did fall back asleep.
  15. Finally, realize baby has entered dream land. Roll over as QUIETLY as possible, mime a blanket over you [don't bother using an actual blanket, it will be too loud. You aren't that cold anyways, mind over matter!!] and go to sleep.
  16. Wake up 2.5 hours later and repeat until morning...

As you can tell, I have more than figured it out. I know exactly what I am doing. This method is certified by ALL THE DOCTORS!!! as well as mothers everywhere...

Luckily, Lord Hudson is rather cute. So, get away with it he shall..

That's it, next time into the jumparoo he goes!

please note, that while joked about my husband does get up with baby occasionally. He is better than I portray him and is usually more patient than I at night..

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Sometimes, these photos pop up while looking for other photos. These photos are from one of the happiest days of my life. Standing across from the man who taught me unconditional love and trust and care, I knew my life was complete in those moments. He is my constant, my adventure, he pushes me to be better while supporting me. He is a far better partner than I and an excellent father. I am so thankful he chose me and continues to choose me everyday.
little easton

In Chicago in 2010, the last trip we took together.

Baby easton and Papa

Baby Pitbull

For good measure, the cutest side smirk. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Easton: The Negotiator, the smug and the crazy.

Easton has a great future ahead of him, perhaps as a lawyer. He is constantly negotiating and trying to convince us of things that aren't totally necessary. He likes to throw in little clauses to seemingly simple things.

A typical conversation about what we have to do that day goes like so:

me: Lets get dressed, we have so much to do today. We have to run to the bank, go to target for diapers and wipes, go to Papa's work, then come home and pick up the house and make dinner, OK?
easton: ok go to town, go to bank get sucker go to target go to mall tree (one of those play spots in the mall where kids and germs run freely), get pretzel, get diapers get treats at target go to papas work ride bikes and get lunch come home have treats play ipad, pick up toys? OK?, OK!
easton: Ok! Lets rwolll.

He always throws an questioning ok? followed by a quick confirmation ok! together at the end of his sentance, as if to say don't think to hard mama, we've discussed and agreed this will be how it is going to go today! ok?OK!

He has learned to work with numbers and try to get an extra little something OR less of something he  doesn't want.

me: you can have one marshmallow for being a great helper and listener today!
easton: one marshmallow and then one more marshmallow that's all, ok?ok!
me: no, one marshmallow.
easton: yes one marshmallow, then one more.
me: then you are having two marshmallows, not one.
easton: ok mama, I will have two.
me: well, crap.

easton: I not want three bites. I take one, two only. Then done, ok?ok!
me: no, you have to eat three bites and then you are done.
easton: I not eat three. I eat two thats all.

Easton is also a little..sure of himself.

Like when you say wow you are really smart/cute/funny/compliment,

He replies "Dat's True."

But if you say something like You're silly/goofy/a ham, anything said with a laugh

he replies, "no not silly, You silly. You goofy. NOT HAM!!"

He has a little crooked smile and a side eye gaze that gets him out of everything. E-V-E-R-Y TO THE THING. He is such a ball of energy! He has covered more things in baby powder than I care to count, stored a number of "treasures" in every heating vent he can get open, not to mention all the hoarded things (trash, shoes, dog toys, you name it-the nastier the more coveted) under his bed, he dumps water out of the bath by the cup full, and his brother squeals when he gets too close (I say joy, you say fear. Tomatow, Tahmato). He goes 120% at all times, stopping only for a sip of water and a marshmallow. 

But, he is mine. And I think he is completely awesome. 
Bubble concentration. 

rice krispie bandit.

always blurry

Sums him up.